Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hot Days of July.

We're so close to meeting Baby Z! Only about a month to go. Phil and I are getting anxious to meet her and Carter is just his usual rambunctious and happy self. It's been hot as Hades lately so we've mostly been spending our days inside in the moderately cool air except for a trip to the Cleveland Zoo with our mom's & babies group on a cooler day of June. Sadly, Independence Day was a no-go this year because our C monkey had a fever that just wouldn't go away for a couple days but we celebrated at home, watching movies and sleeping the night away while Daddy worked. I like to think we had a good time anyway. =)
Next week C and I are joining the mom's group on an outing to the Farmpark here. It'll be our first time there.
Daddy's also going on a trip to Seattle to see some of his Army buddies while Carter and I are heading to Michigan to spend some time with Aunt Sadie and our family there. We've had a touch of cabin fever lately so a trip will be nice. =)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Yakkity, yak.

Hearing my son jibber-jabber is one of the greatest joys in my life. I never knew such simple things could make me so deliriously happy. I love him all the way to the moon and back.
I can't wait to see him interact with his little sister soon. I know he will make a wonderful big brother. :)

Friday, June 17, 2011


Thought it was time I took a real shot at this blogging stuff, now that Carter is almost 17 months old and we're introducing a new munchkin into the mix in a couple months.
Yesterday, we met up with the Baby & Me: Friends and Play Dates group for our very first time. Carter seemed to have a blast with the other babies, toddling around and sharing snacks. I enjoyed getting out of the house and socializing with other mamas whose babies are right around the same age as C. They seem like a fantastic bunch of women and we can't wait until our next meet-up (we're heading to the zoo!).
As for today, Carter has gotten into every.single.thing possible and our living room is a disaster area! Time to call in the big boys for some deep cleaning haha! He's a feisty fella lately; teething up a storm (4 teeth, all in one week!) but I think we're at the tail-end of that (hopefully!)

Now we're on to nap time for C and shower time for Mama! :)